
We regularly publish healthcare and cleanroom related articles, which can be viewed below. The articles span a wide range of topics and provide industry specific insight to allow for informed decisions. Should you have a specific question not answered in the articles below, please send us a message via the “Contact Us” page and we will be happy to help.

Double Gloving, Increase your peace of mind with twice the protection

What is Double-gloving?

Double-gloving is a process of donning two pairs of gloves. The healthcare professional dons a dark coloured underglove (for example iNtouch Spot) as the first layer and then followed by a lighter coloured glove (for example iNtouch Slide) as the second layer. So two layers of gloves are used to enhance protection.

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AQL, Reduce Your Risk, Increase Your Protection


Previously, wearing surgical gloves prevents infection on patients due to the transmission of microoganism from surgeons hands. In todays growing incidence of HIV, Hepatitis B and C infections, surgical gloves play an even more significant role in preventing the surgeon’s hands from the transmission of these blood-borne pathogens and viruses.

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